Find Inner Peace in Troubling Times with Paramhansa Yogananda’s Wisdom!

Have you been feeling unsettled, worried or troubled the past few weeks?

As a highly sensitive soul, living a world that feels increasingly unsettled, it is more important than ever that you take excellent care of yourself!

One of the best forms of self-care is taking care of your MIND. Keeping your mind calm and focused on spiritual truths is key!

I have been re-reading the writings of Paramahansa Yogananda to help me find peace during these times. What does he recommend? Meditation.

In this episode, I share a passage from Yogananda’s book, To Be Victorious in Life, to help you remember how to respond to the external world, AND how not to. I also share some simple tips you can start doing today to help you feel better.

And if you want to learn more about the upcoming training, Meditate Like a Mystic, click here to find out more.


Key Learnings:

  1. Highly sensitive souls need to take better care of themselves during turbulent times like these. The most important thing to do is develop a meditation practice that fosters a sense of inner peace and calmness.

  2. Yogananda’s teachings were written and taught during the first half of the 20th century, during the Great Depression and World War 2. Talk about an unsettling time! That is why his teachings are SO helpful for the times we are experiencing now. If his students could meditate in a bomb shelter in England during the Blitz, you KNOW they are powerful teachings!

  3. Some simple things you can do to take care of yourself: a) Limit your intake of sensationalized news b) increase your time out in nature c) increase time reading and studying spiritual truths d) take inspired action from a place of peace and calmness


“Meditation is the key to inner peace, especially in troubling times like these.” 


Click here to register for Mother Mary’s Meditate Like a Mystic Program

Click here to purchase To Be Victorious in Life by Paramahansa Yogananda

Click here to join the Magnify Your Miracles Membership

If you love the image on the wall behind me of Mother Mary Blessing the World, you can order your own museum quality copy at


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