20 Apr 2021 12:45

31: Fastlane - Josh Holtz

Josh Holtz joins the show to talk about what it's like being lead maintainer of Fastlane, and joining the iOS indie dev community with An Otter RSS Reader and ConnectKit. Links & Show Notes Josh on Twitter (https://twitter.com/joshdholtz) joshholtz.com (https://www.joshholtz.com) RokkinCat (https://rokkincat.com) Fastlane (http://fastlane.tools) ConnectKit (https://connectkit.app) An Otter RSS (https://anotterrss.com) Indie Dev Monday (https://indiedevmonday.com) Michael Tigas (https://twitter.com/michael_tigas/status/1378942624183111683) Focused Work: Focus Timer (https://focusedwork.app) More Launched Website - launchedfm.com (https://launchedfm.com) Twitter - @LaunchedFM (https://twitter.com/launchedfm) Reddit - /r/LaunchedFM (https://www.reddit.com/r/LaunchedFM/)


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