On this weeks episode Rachel and Clare are joined by the delightful Wicher from Jaggle to talk about something new and exciting he has built - a way for anyone to make dark room prints without the need for a darkroom equipment, or even a dark room!
Find out more here:
On the subject of new and exciting products, Intrepid are back with a new kickstarter for two very exciting (at least to large format shooters) new releases - an independent shutter and a new lens!
Find out more here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/intrepidcamera/the-intrepid-lens-and-shutter-project
And, just to make sure no one loses sight of why we all actually take pictures, the end product is also important, a great example being the Ambiguous zine currently available and raising money for a good cause - https://richardhall.online/new-zine-now-available/