Show Summary: “When you do the work, and you don't bypass your mindset, your life shifts for the better and you start to channel your inner power”
The Master Your Subconscious Workshop has finally wrapped up. Twenty women learned to channel their inner power and discovered that they could do amazing things and effortlessly heal. The workshop taught them how important mindset is in healing that helped them shift their energy and frequency.
Working on your mindset can be challenging if you do it alone. But it can be easier if you work on it from the inside out instead of outside in. And in this episode, Dr. Elizabeth Rogers, a master healer, and expert in custom holistic health services, shares some simple exercises you can consistently do every day to start manifesting powerful energy and regain control of your life.
Please share this with your family and friends who need emotional healing and gradually discover the higher version of you. And if you want to be a part of The Master Your Subconscious Workshop, watch Juanique's Instagram for an update on the class.
Exceptional Highlight:
Show Highlights:
Dr. Elizabeth Rogers’ story
Dr. Elizabeth 3:01
How perception can shift your energy?
Juanique 14:09
How can you shift your energy?
Dr. Elizabeth 19:59
You fill in the blank with what feels right to you.
Books mentioned:
Untethered soul
Biology of Belief
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