Some fun talk about cards and autographs, the boys speak a Vlad figure into existence, and Broki’s first Wrestlecon! (Episode 139) We dive even deeper into Broski’s first ever Wrestlecon experience from a special Paetron bonus episode. Finally we round it out with the classic three, The Incarnation of Shawn Michaels, Undertaker WTF, and some Q&A, Brian predicts the Jon Cone BAF! (Episode 33)Social Media: Twitter: @JGeorgeTheMovie, @MajorWFPod , @TheMattCardona , @Myers_Wrestling, @majorpodnetwork @Silverintuition Instagram: @MajorWFPod , @TheMattCardona , @Myers_Wrestling, @SmartMarkSterling , @majorpodnetwork @jgeorge.mp4