Seth Shumate joins me on episode 114.
Seth is an Old Timey and pre-war harmonica player originally from Arkansas, now living in Tennessee. Seth has deeply researched the early history of the harmonica and has written an Old Time Harmonica Handbook which contains lots of great information, as well as techniques on how to play authentic Old Timey harmonica using various tongue blocking techniques to add percussive rhythm and to provide self-accompaniment while also playing the melody of the tune. Seth likes to play acoustically, making use of an Edison phonograph cylinder for amplification, and accompanying himself using bones and other instruments, and he’s recently acquired the Masterharp USA tuning table company.
Seth plays with The Ozark Highballers band and releases regular videos to his YouTube channel of his playing.Links:
Contact Seth: [email protected]: group: Harmonica Country, Bluegrass, Rock & CelticVideos:YouTube channel: playing Turkey In The Straw with Edison Horn: Blues played with bones: Rice Old Timey album: YouTube Interview and playing: website:
Donations:If you want to make a voluntary donation to help support the running costs of the podcast then please use this link (or visit the podcast website link above):
Spotify Playlist: Also check out the Spotify Playlist, which contains most of the songs discussed in the podcast: sponsors:This podcast is sponsored by SEYDEL harmonicas - visit the oldest harmonica factory in the world at or on Facebook or Instagram at SEYDEL HARMONICAS--------------------------------Blue Moon Harmonicas: