2 Jan 2023 10:00

The Science of Making, *Not* Breaking, New Year’s Resolutions | Resolutions Series Ep. 1

We’ve all done it: you resolve to… go to the gym, eat healthier, save money. You’re excited and doing great, and then… it’s January 10th and you’re back to grabbing takeout, sitting on your sofa, and thinking, “Eh… I’ve got too much going on right now, next year!”

Well what if there was actual research conducted on New Year’s Resolutions and how we can maybe (gasp) actually keep them for once? It turns out–there is. This week, in the first episode of our Resolutions series, we talk to Professor Alexander Rozental and Martin Oscarsson from Stockholm University in Sweden. They published the largest study on the making, keeping, and breaking of New Year’s Resolutions.

This week, we find out what kind of goals to set, how to set them, and what to do to ensure that “this year is (actually) different.”

How to Create Habits and Hack Your Health

Remember to head to our website for our show notes!

Follow us on Instagram @foodweneedtotalk.

Find Juna on Instagram @theofficialjuna, and @JunaGjata on YouTube and TikTok.


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