7 Mar 2025 07:00

The Ted Hanky Podcast : Scutlins

This week Ted rants about his holiday to Scutlins and his latest fitness adventure called "LAIZE" ... but he's also MEGA CHUFFED by his new celebrity follower .... who could it be???


This show is also available for your eyes as well as your lugs ... over on the YouTube channel.

Check it out here 👉 YouTube Podcast

Don't forget to follow the channel 🙏


☕️ You can buy Ted (and Mala) a coffee here 👇 CLICK HERE TO BUY TED A COFFEE NB: If every listener donated £3 a month Ted would be able to keep up his monthly subscription to 'Bush Babes' and still have profit for sweets and Panini stickers.... please... help a marra out.


PLEASE SHARE THE SHOW WITH ANYONE YOU THINK WILL ENJOY IT!! THANK YOU 🙏 Created, written and performed by Ted Hanky Special thanks to Mala for additional material. Sponsored by The Warehouse Kitchen & Bar in Stockton. https://www.warehouse.kitchen/ CHECKOUT MY WEBSITE : https://www.tedhanky.com/ T-SHIRTS AVAILABLE AT: https://tedhankytshirts.com/ Please note - This is a parody show. Guests are often not real, subjects are often not real, please don't think this is real ... don't be a Doyle. Characters have been exaggerated and stereotypes enhanced purely for comedic effect - we bear no malice or ill feeling towards any real person/people or even the stereotypes we portray. Sincere apologies if any offence is caused ... it is meant to be delivered in parody ... and hopefully funny. The show, as always, contains a fair amount of bad language, adult references, occasional references only Teesside locals will relate to .... and loads of "you know warra mean's" Not for the easily offended, snowflakes, ... or bairns ... so please don't listen if this is you!


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