10 Mar 2025 02:04

Traumatic Nose Jobs, Relationship Tests, and Aliens with Kim and Vinny

Use our code for 10% off your next SeatGeek order*: https://seatgeek.onelink.me/RrnK/LAPLATICA2025 Sponsored by SeatGeek. *Restrictions apply. Max $20 discountBuenos días, La Plática fam! We wanted to jump start your week with not one, but two, very special guests - Kim and Vinny, TikTok’s favorite couple! 🤩 Josh and Sebastian talked to them about their history together and the hard work that has gotten them to where they’re at before having some fun with some relationship questions and even a Girly Pop Quiz for Vinny. They also talked about a traumatic surgery experience and even aliens??? But not in the way you think… Anyway, thank you for tuning in this week, we hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did. 🫶🏼RESOURCES FOR ANYONE WHO NEEDS IMMIGRATION INFORMATIONImmigrant Legal Resource Center - https://www.ilrc.org/advanced-search?issues%5B0%5D=35&resource_type%5B0%5D=15&terms=National Immigration Law Center - https://www.instagram.com/nilc?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==Barrio Drive - https://barriodrive.com/collections/daca-renewal-fundImmigrants Rising - https://www.instagram.com/immigrantsrising?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==Attorney Kathleen Martinez - https://www.instagram.com/laabogadamartinez?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==Follow us on social media!IG: @laplatica TikTok: @LaPlaticaPodSebastian Robles - @ayyysebasJosh Leyva - @TheJoshLeyvaPLATÍCANOSTell us what you’re going through!https://forms.gle/adWU3tmFuHW8fYsd8SALUD!Get 10% off your Salud with code LAPLATICA! Click the link below to get startedhttps://tastesalud.com/pages/salud-la-platica


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