16 Jan 2023 12:00

Using Hypnotherapy to Combat Addiction with Elliott Wald

Join Daniel, Aka Dapper Laughs, in this new Podcast, Menace II Sobriety, where he raises awareness around addiction and sobriety and talks about the links between drugs, alcohol, mental health and well-being whilst interviewing incredible guests.

In this episode, Daniel is joined by celebrity hypnotherapist, author and ex-addict Elliott Wald. Elliot has over 26 years of experience in psychology and linguistics, this teamed with his own experience of addiction, gives him a unique opportunity to educate and help individuals and families suffering the consequences of addiction. He talks to Daniel about his own journey to sobriety, his knowledge of cocaine and addiction as well as how he has helped hundreds of people get sober.

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  • Elliott focuses on cocaine addiction in a lot of his hypnotherapy. Recently he has found popularity in creating TikTok videos and this is where Daniel first heard of him.
  • There are a set of characteristics specific to cocaine use, Elliott sets out to educate people to recognise these as early as possible, to help someone who may or already is suffering from addiction.
  • If you recognise you have a problem with addiction, this may not be welcomed by those around you. Daniel likens it to holding a mirror up to those surrounding you and they don’t want to see it or admit they may have a problem too.
  • As an addict, it isn’t possible to have just a small amount of the substance you have a problem with, no matter how much other people might try and convince you.
  • People who offer drink or drugs to you when they know you have a problem aren’t giving you the support you need to combat your addiction.
  • It’s absolutely possible to channel an addictive personality into positive pursuits, such as fitness.
  • Secondary addiction is common, particularly around sex.
  • In most things in life, there is a certain amount of pain to endure before pleasure. With cocaine, this is switched around which is one of the reasons it’s so hard to break the habit.
  • Elliott believes there are four steps to the addiction to cocaine: 1. The anticipation of taking cocaine 2. The using of cocaine 3. Believing it will be different next time 4. The stress, anxiety and regret of using
  • Lies are a big part of any addiction. You lie to the people around you, to yourself, about your addiction, how much you use, how often, the list is endless.
  • Different people can have different substance addictions. You may have issues with cocaine but not alcohol, however, some people can become addicted to almost anything.
  • To help someone, Elliott first has to understand them completely, he can then help them rewire their brain to go sober.



“I was a genuine lads lad sesh-head back in the day”

“It goes from the most social drug to the most unsociable drug”

“Sometimes when you recognise you have a problem or an issue it’s like holding a mirror up to the people around you”

“I’m an all or nothing mentality”

“What things have you done that you would never ever do if you weren’t on the packet?"

“When you use, you lie”

“I don’t judge people, I’m not there to judge you, I’m there to help you”







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