Are You REALLY Committed to Achieving Your Dreams?

How do you know if you are truly committed to achieving your dreams?

A simple way of knowing is to ask yourself ‘Am I doing everything I know to do to make it happen?’

 If not, there are usually two reasons why…

 In this episode, I share the tell-tale signs to look for to determine if you are truly committed.

 And if you aren’t… don’t fret… I’ve got some things to share to help you with that too!

Ps- If you want the help of an experienced Coach and Master Intuitive to help you achieve your dreams, let’s talk! Click here to schedule a Miracle Meeting with me

Key Learnings:

  1. Are you fired up about your dreams and goals? If not, take a step back and make sure it’s what you truly desire. We are so conditioned to focus on how we will do something, and so sure we must do it all ourselves, that we often focus on the process instead of the end.

  2. In the Magnify Your Miracles Journal Challenge, I give the four practices I KNOW work to help you manifest your dreams. Yet many people only did one or two of the practices. If you were stuck in prison in a foreign country and I gave you the four things you needed to do to get you out and back home, would you do all four?

  3. Lukewarm efforts come from lukewarm goals. When you focus on your true dreams, the ones you truly desire, it is easy to pour all your energy into achieving it. If you are having trouble with this, it may be time to seek out help!

“Are you fired up about your goal? If not, take a step back and make sure it’s what you truly desire!’ 


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If you love the image on the wall behind me of Mother Mary Blessing the World, you can order your own museum quality copy at 



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