While there are many guitar models out there associated with rock and roll there are two primary models that seem to have been in a foot race for dominance from day one. Since he 1950s The Fender Stratocaster and the Gibson Les Paul have both captured the immaginations of guitarists around the world as well as the hosts of your favorite podcast! On this week's Loudini Rock & Roll Circus we bring you the story of how these two behemouths of rock fought for dominance in the hearts and hands of guitarists for the last 72 years and how they inspired each of us as well! #lespaul
#fenderguitars Topics DIscussed: What we did this week:
I saw the TV Glow, Under Paris,
the story of Dire Straits' Money for Nothing, Neal Schon & Jonathan Cain kiss and make up,
Brian Jones' release from The Rolling Stones,
why smart people believe stupid shit,
Solid Gold, why don't marty's parents remember him?, anthony bourdain & robin williams, Loudini's quote of the week, guitar tip
Mr. Pittsburgh: Sorcerer, dog bites dog, tiktok Les Pauls and Strats and our journey with both Reference:
https://medium.com/@richwhite08/fender-stratocaster-vs-gibson-les-paul-an-in-depth-comparison-2abf2d8c35d7 Most famous Stratocaster Players
Most Famous Les Paul Players New & Notable:
Eve Of Uprise; One Left Standing
Mr. Pittsburgh:
JD and the RetroRyders; What To Do?