On this week’s episode of Grease the Wheels, we talk about the absolute basics that people should know about their cars in a revisit on the concept of “Automotive Kindergarten” . We exist because the vast majority of people who own a car today have no idea how they work. They just know that when they dont - it is going to cost them time and money. Where the misconception comes in is that we as the technicians are not ripping them off, but we have covered that one before. We get into the nitty gritty with the basics of tires, brakes, safety systems and why you can’t reuse them if you are trying to grab some junkyard parts. There are a lot of really good reasons for this, mainly that many of the safety features on modern cars are a one shot sort of deal. We also get into the engineering of modern cars and how they are designed to last longer, work better, and why everything is turbocharged. We aren’t going to complain, but it was one of the major extinction events for older techs in shops all around the country.
Also Uncle Jimmy talks about tire pressures, run flats, and some of the other hot button issues of a seasonal change.