In which I survive Friday the 13th by goin over the boards on the Carlsen/Niemann chess drama and checkmating some ghosts with the Executive Director of Poe Baltimore (The Edgar Allan Poe House & Museum): Enrica Jang.
Come catch me Oct 4-6th at The international Edgar Allen Poe Festival and Awards
Recorded LIVE from the Paper Machete ( 09/07/24 at Chicago's Historic Green Mill Lounge ( and on a Haunted Zoom courtesy of Jeppson’s Malört: The Official Drink of the Apocalypse (Link:
Come find me in all your favorite places including my Discord (Link: Featuring “Promises” by the Barrerracudas and a snippy of “The Wasteland” courtesy of Ross Bugden Twitter: Instagram For commissions/scores: [email protected]
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