27 Dec 2022 07:00

Humans Outside Challenge with Amy Bushatz

Amy Bushatz is an outdoor enthusiast and mom to two boys in Anchorage, Alaska. An accomplished reporter and editor, in 2017, Amy redirected her talents to a passion project known as Humans Outside, a movement to spend at least 20 minutes outside, every day. She hosts the Humans Outside podcast, which is all about her personal experiences of spending time outside, as well as travel, adventure, and outdoor living! Amy talks with us about the challenge, what it takes to be an adventurous mom in Alaska, and what getting outside every day has done for her and her family. RWMC website: www.runwildmychild.comRWMC Instagram: @runwild.mychildHumans Outside website: www.humansoutside.com Use the code WILDCHILD for 20% off your purchase! Humans Outside Instagram: @humansoutside Amy's recommendations:Tranquility by Tuesday by Laura Vanderkam


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