PYG 161 - Prayer and meditation as a personal brand strategy

On today's episode, I take you behind the scenes of the morning routine that changed everything and helped me OUTGROW my goals. This new morning routine changed EVERYTHING - the consistency mixed with intention helped me outgrow my prayers in 30 days. Many thanks šŸ™šŸ¾ to Kailei Carr @kaileicarr Ash Johns @ashinspires Monique Ruffin @moniqueruffin and Jereshia Hawk @jereshiahawk


Welcome toĀ December!

How are you feeling about 2020?

If you're like most of my clients, you may be thinking about what you set out to do this year, how the pandemic threw a wrench in your plans, what you managed to get done, and what you didn't accomplish.

But as I've said before -Ā 2020 ain't over.

There's still time to squeeze some juice out of this year, and I for one have big plans to do just that.

High achievers like us don't take enough opportunities to pause, reflect, and put a plan in place for our own growth and development. It's one of the very first things we tend to deprioritize when life gets busy.

That's why taking the time to reflect, set intentions, and plan during the month ofĀ DecemberĀ is so essential.

Life comes at you fast, and once things pick back up in January, it will be almost impossible to find the time and mental space to make the BIG DECISIONS that will drive your progress for the year.

So if you've been on the fence, consider this your LAST CALL to 1) join theĀ December PURPOSESCAPING Group Intensive that starts Sunday DecemberĀ 6, and 2) Apply for the 6-month visibility mastermind and get theĀ DecemberĀ IntensiveĀ on me.

Over those fertile four weeks leading up to the new year, Iā€™ll be coaching you using elements of the PURPOSESCAPING framework. I'll also help you to set your intentions for 2021 and strategize with you to map out a tactical/spiritual/malleable plan for your platform, visibility, and revenue for next year. And if you end up joining us for the visibility academy, you'll already have some serious momentum as we kick off sessions in January.

>> Click here to apply for the 6-Month Visibility Mastermind Click here to apply for theĀ DecemberĀ Intensive Only


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