Rediscover & Reclaim Your TRUE Nature with Karen Richter

Do you feel truly ALIVE… full of passion and a sense of purpose?

If not, you are not alone! Today’s guest, the amazing Karen Richter, knows exactly what it’s like to feel burnt out, weighed down by grief and just ‘going through the motions’ of life. For years she juggled multiple roles – mother, wife, professional, business owner, and friend – all while trying to ‘power through’ life’s challenges and ‘be perfect.’

When her productivity addiction led to physical illness, she turned to her “happy place” – being in nature, and realized it was doing more than lifting her spirits—it was helping her heal and transform her life.

Now she helps other women heal and reclaim their sense of aliveness through the power of nature!

In this episode, Karen shares her personal journey of healing and awakening through the power of nature, and how women can rediscover their authentic selves by connecting deeply with the natural world.

If you are feeling unsettled by the world today, I highly recommend you connect with Karen, and consider attending her Awakening Aliveness Retreat!


Key Learnings:

  1. Karen knows what it’s like to wear many hats, to juggle several roles, and to feel like you’ve lost yourself somewhere along the line. She knows that many other women feel this way too, which is why she started offering a way for women to connect back with their authentic selves.

  2. Karen’s ‘happy place’ has always been in nature. She used to snorkel and loved the experience of floating in the water and observing the life below. But when she had a chance to scuba dive, and to go from observing to being immersed in the ocean, everything shifted for her. She believes that immersing ourselves in nature can be profoundly healing on all levels, especially for women.

  3. Often women think it’s ‘too late’ to feel alive again, as they once did. But age has nothing to do with feeling alive, and it is never too late. The land where Karen is holding the retreat in Costa Rica in Nov 2025 used to be used for raising cattle, and much of it had been destroyed. But 20 years ago, it was repurposed, and the restoration of the land began. The land has returned to its authentic self, and Karen believes it will support all the women on the retreat to do the same thing! 

“Nature helps women connect with their true nature, their authentic selves.” Karen Richter

To find out more Karen Richter’s Nature Immersions click here

To register for the Awakening Aliveness Retreat, click here

Click here to join the Magnify Your Miracles membership

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