25 Nov 2024 12:11

SenseAIR: Smart Way to Clear Skies

Discover the award-winning project SenseAIR: Smart Way to Clear Skies, presented at the International Competition of Projects of Students and Young Scientists “SMART CITY 2030: Sustainable Development Management of Cities in the BRICS Countries”, organized by BRICS. Developed by researchers Lara Furtado, Nayara Gurjão, Nicolas Carvalho, and Lucas Babadopulos, members of the GrID Cities - Group on Data Intelligence at the Federal University of Ceará, SenseAIR leverages data intelligence to monitor and mitigate air pollution, fostering a sustainable future and smarter cities. Watch the video to explore this innovation that bridges technology and sustainability! Descubra o premiado projeto SenseAIR: Smart Way to Clear Skies, apresentado no concurso International Competition of Projects of Students and Young Scientists “SMART CITY 2030: Sustainable Development Management of Cities in the BRICS Countries”, promovido pelo BRICS. Desenvolvido pelos pesquisadores Lara Furtado, Nayara Gurjão, Nicolas Carvalho e Lucas Babadopulos, membros do GrID Cities - Group on Data Intelligence da Universidade Federal do Ceará, o SenseAIR utiliza inteligência de dados para monitorar e mitigar a poluição atmosférica, promovendo um futuro sustentável e cidades mais inteligentes. Assista ao vídeo para conhecer essa inovação que conecta tecnologia e sustentabilidade! Os resultados podem ser acessados no site da competição: https://www.smartcity2030.tech/main/results


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