Staying Curious with Emotions: Removing, Regulating & Responding/Reconnecting in the Face of Anger!

Hey you amazing ADHD warriors!! I use the word worriors because it really does feel like a battle in our minds and emotions sometimes, doesn't it!!? I hear SO often...These emotions are like 0-100 sometimes! YEP! Those of us with ADHD busy, beautiful brains have a tendency to experience emotions to a whole new level as we are faced with different triggers and internal executive function challenges throughout each day (this absolutely varies per person!) 

In this episode we will get curious about those big emotions and investigate the one that almost all of us come up against...ANGER...It comes fast and furious, often out of left field too! No worries, I am here to tell you that you are not alone and there are ways to exercise that brillant brain of yours to strength the skill of responding to that intense emotion doing something other than LOSING it! 

This is a topic we will revisit again as this just scratches the surface of understanding and responding to our feeling of ANGER! First step is always recognizing and raising self awareness of what is driving the anger? Are their underlying feelings that need to be named? What is the driving thought that is spiraling the anger deeper? Now let's take action...

REMOVE yourself- This step is HUGE! When your anger is in charge and you stay in the space it was triggered, it's next to impossible to settle your nervous system and find calm! So move those feet to a safe and calm space that where you can practice the next step...

REGULATE yourself (younger kiddos may need coreguation to accomplish this)- What can you do to find calm? Legos, coloring, music, sensory swing, walk/play outside, take a bath/shower...what does your body and mind respond best to?

RESPOND/RECONNECT- This is the step that you revisit the conversation with a person you were angry at, revisit homework that triggered anger (with a plan to strategically move through the rest), reconnect with person or activity at hand...

If you find these podcast episodes helpful and want to connect more, visit to reach out, check out my resources, connect with me to share a episode topic idea or to be a guest on a future podcast... or even to book a free coaching consultation to see if that might be a next step for your family! I look forward to hearing from you soon. Love and appreciate you all! 


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