TCBCast 347: Ranking Elvis's Animal Songs

TCBCast is a zoo this week! In old-school TCBCast fashion, Gurdip and Justin are ranking the songs that Elvis did mostly all about critters of the world, from hound dogs to snowbirds and everything in between. It's wildly unscientific, please don't take it too seriously! The idea is to get you thinking about the lyrics to Elvis's songs more closely. As we mention, you would be SHOCKED at how many animals get mentioned in Elvis songs you wouldn't expect - and not all movie songs, either! 

For Song of the Week, Gurdip re-lives his frustrations as a young Elvis fan with RCA's handling of the clearly lyrically incomplete release of "Mexico" from "Fun in Acapulco," while Justin gets funky with the Lord listening to "Seeing is Believing" from the "He Touched Me" album. 

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(PS we have been made aware that somehow we all missed the "alligator" of Polk Salad Annie - don't come for us!!)


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