TD193: New Secretary of Labor?, Senator/Teamster Fight, Love's Founder Dies, Diesel Mechanic Pay Rises, Cool Products, & More

In today’s episode, we’ve got a possible new Secretary of Labor, a fight between a Senator and the Teamster’s President, rising pay for diesel mechanics, the Love’s Travel Stop’s founder dies, I’ll tell you about one high tech and one low tech product, Cummins is rebranding it’s emissions-focused division, and apparently, truckers value praise more than anything else. Huh? All that and more.

We’ve also got followup in the listener feedback segment concerning hourly trucker pay and how Canada is spending their money to attract new truckers.

So in the immortal words of Lynyrd Skynyrd; turn it up.

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News Links:

Two Missouri rest areas permanently closing next week, to reopen in fall 2023 as truck parking from

Online renewal for CDL holders is coming to Idaho from

Love’s Travel Stops Founder Tom Love Dies at 85 from (Transport Topics)

Your batteries are trying to tell you something, and they soon will from (Commercial Carrier Journal)

Simple, low-cost brake check device can result in big savings from (Commercial Carrier Journal)

Cummins brands New Power division as future tech-focused Accelera from

Bills in multiple states cover use of rumble strips from

FMCSA closes reporting loophole in Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse database from (Commercial Carrier Journal)

Repair labor rates climbing, driving technician pay raises from (Commercial Carrier Journal)


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