I was just lecturing at the International Foot and Ankle Foundation meeting in Hawaii.
In the very first talk, I asked one of the doctors sitting on the front row,
"What is your most important question about this patient?”
And he answered, “How did it start?”
I replied, “You do not care about how it started, you do not even care about the injury, you should care more about the runner's goals.”
You probably go to the doctor because your foot hurts, and you want your doctor to fix your foot. If you go there with that approach, that is exactly what you're going to get.
Any doctor can fix your foot, but you need the doctor to focus on your running goals instead.
What is the doctor's job when you have a running injury? Well, I can tell you what it is not. It is not to tell you to stop running.
That is what we're talking about today on the Doc On The Run Podcast.