28 Jan 2025 08:00

255: 2025 Business Deals: What Buyers and Sellers Need to Know with Ami Kassar

The Business of Meetings – Episode 255 - 2025 Business Deals: What Buyers and Sellers Need to Know with Ami Kassar

We are delighted to welcome Ami Kassar, the founder and CEO of MultiFunding, as our guest today. Ami is a member of the EO and the president of the EO Philadelphia chapter, and he brings a wealth of expertise and experience. 

With the shift in administration, most business owners are curious about the future of mergers and acquisitions for small businesses. Some owners are considering selling, while others are looking to buy. Ami is here to shed light on this important topic and share his insights. Join us for his expert perspective on what lies ahead for small businesses.

Founding MultiFunding

In 2010, after losing his corporate position as Chief Innovation Officer at the largest credit card issuer for small businesses, Ami started MultiFunding. During the Great Recession, he got laid off by the company he was working for after helping them terminate 960 employees. It was a sobering experience he vowed never to repeat. On his first day unemployed, Ami withdrew his home equity credit line and founded MultiFunding to help entrepreneurs access optimal debt solutions while maintaining control of their businesses.

Core Values

The core value at MultiFunding is to deal with entrepreneurs in the same way their team members would prefer themselves. That principle underpins every decision, from hiring to firing. The company fosters a transparent culture where employees either thrive within three months or move on. MultiFunding always upholds the standard of only offering advice that the team would follow themselves.


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