#669: Seeing Heat loss, Detailing Behind Masonry, and Problem-Free Cathedral Ceilings

Mike Guertin, Grant and Patrick hear about replacing windows in brick veneer and the virtues of palm nailers before taking questions on insulation behind masonry without a WRB and how to insulate the roof of a three-season room.


Tune in to Episode 669 of the Fine Homebuilding Podcast to learn more about: 

  • Using a thermal cameras to track down air and water leaks
  • How to insulate a board-sheathed wall without a WRB 
  • A rot-proof cathedral ceiling

Have a question or topic you want us to talk about on the show? Email us at [email protected].  


➡️ Check Out the Full Show Notes: FHB Podcast 669

➡️ Learn about Framing for High-Performance Houses, the new E-learning course from Fine Homebuilding 

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