Dr. Gene Kritsky is much more than a most qualified entomologist! In this episode he will take us for a walk in a city park and carefully introduce the three cicada species that comprise the two broods due to emerge from the soil this May and June. The periodical cicada is not to be confused the the annual cicada which emerges in late summer.It is possible, it is easy and it is recommended that you download the App SICADA SAFARI. Submit photos of cicadas you find, and check the cicada activity near you. Fun and Simple. http://cicadasafari.orgiAre you ready for some mania, crazy, fun?https://www.cicadamania.com/
Typically 7 hours are devoted to an episode. The research required to support some Conversations has included extensive reading.Please stay in touch, (I enjoy your emails and suggestions) recommend the podcast to others and support the show with a financial contribution.save.these.stories @gmail.comRecommend the podcast to others! Cheers!