Use our code for 10% off your next SeatGeek order*: Sponsored by SeatGeek. *Restrictions apply. Max $20 discount While we work on bringing you trusted sources, check out the immigration resources linked at the bottom of the description. Happy Monday La Plática fam. The month of January might be over, but we’re still feeling the effects of the fires that broke out around Los Angeles earlier this year. On this week’s episode, Josh and Sebastian invited firefighter Marco Calderon to talk to us about his experience from inside the devastation, as well as his background and why he wanted to become a firefighter in the first place. We hope you’re just as inspired as we were to hear Marco’s story, and if you’re feeling like Sebastian and want to learn more about what it takes to follow the Firefighter career path, check out Marco’s linktree for more information. Thanks for joining us, we hope you have a great week!Get to know more about Marco!TikTok: @TwoFreeTakosIG: @justmarco.92CERT -’s Firefighter Guide: out his LinkTree for more information 😉FOLLOW @ SAZON STUDIOS RIGHT NOW! ⬇️ RESOURCES & ACCOUNTS TO FOLLOW Kathleen Martinez:<sid=8dadddd2-da97-41bf-a1cc-2d5e16cc1583 DONATING TO FAMILIES IMPACTED BY THE FIRESThe following organizations are working hard to help the communities that have been impacted the most. Together we can make a difference 🙏Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation - Red Cross - TEXT CAWILDFIRES to 90999LA Food Bank - - Girls - Boys - us on social media!IG: @laplatica TikTok: @LaPlaticaPodSebastian Robles - @ayyysebasJosh Leyva - @TheJoshLeyva