What Creatives Want From Strategists (And Brand Tracking 101) - James Hurman, once the world’s number 1 planner

James Hurman was once the number one planner in the world. Now, he runs an innovation studio called Previously Unavailable, he teaches a Master of Advertising Effectiveness with the crew at WARC and Cannes Lions, and he directs brand-tracking company Tracksuit.

In this episode, we discuss James’s 18 months in the creative department and what he learned that can help strategists. 

We also get into the 101 of brand tracking.

Here, you can find… 

James: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jameshurman/

Mark: http://www.instagram.com/markpollard

Sweathead: http://www.instagram.com/sweathead

Strategy classes and books: http://www.sweathead.com


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