The EDGE Podcast brings you an intimate glimpse into the lives of high-achieving, world-class performers who have all excelled in their field. They bring you first-hand experiences, lessons learned and offer their playbook they've employed to get them to the top and keep them there.Hosting every conversation is Brandon White, an entrepreneur with two exits (so far), lots of strikeouts, a former VC, sr. management in Marketing at AOL. A genuinely curious person, he shares his lessons learned from over two decades of successes and failures in the trenches as an entrepreneur, athlete, and human.The show features guests from all walks of life that offer you different angles on how to get a winning edge. Previous guests include successful entrepreneurs, authors, Emmy Award winners, scientists, explorers, Navy SEALS, venture capitalists, angel investors, professional and amateur athletes, artists and other seemingly ordinary people doing extraordinary things.Listen in on the conversation weekly and grab your edge!
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